Occult Invocation

This is a great card for Ursula and Moonstone. Especially if you have Elli Horowitz holding a Crystalizer of Dreams. words words words words words words words words SWEET JESUS MORE WORDS arkham horror scary words

dlikos · 160
Crystalizer of Dreams says "After you play an event", not after you discard a card. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Astral Mirror

I've been testing this in Daisy Walker with good results. It acts as a second copy of her Tote Bag for consistency, with a few advantages:

  • If I see this before the Tote Bag (I won't play both) then Tote Bag becomes basically a Guts or Perception without the card draw.
  • It costs 1 more than Tote Bag, but it improves your action economy. It allows you to play something into a hand slot as an additional action, and then if it's a Tome Daisy can use her own ability to use its as an additional action.
  • These extra hand slots don't have to hold Tomes, so you could play a Fingerprint Kit, Pocket Telescope, Scrying Mirror, The Chthonian Stone etc. (as examples) without spending a "real" action.
What I find interesting is that with Astral Mirror in play Book of Shadows essentially does not use a hand slot. Probably not essential for Daisy (although a Tome), but other spellcasters will love it. — AlderSign · 309

This one looked weak to me (away from Nathan* obviously) but slowly grows on me the more I look at it.

It's effect is essentially to turn 1 resource into one extra card but first you have to trigger it and it's clogging up your hand in the meantime.

Card draw is very scarce for Guardians and you might have plenty of resources later so that's a decent trade.

If you think of it as a 'cantrip' card that essentially thins your deck it's more appealing again.

What makes it really interesting through is the two books in the corner. Guardians don't get a lot of those and they add a lot of flexibility.

I'd really like to see this card get an xp version.

  • Can't remember how to make the pretty card links. Nathan Cho:arkhamdb.com
Timlagor · 5
[[card name]] for card links. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Occult Reliquary

Very nice and interesting card. I expect Enchanted Bow to see more play with the inclusion of that permanent, as it will only take one hand slot. You can't do that with Ornate Bow. I think, I will even try that myself as Wendy Adams. As a dexterity character, If you care about your other hand slot (Lockpicks obviously), you can compare this setup with just Hyperphysical Shotcaster, which already uses only one hand slot. The first option has infinite ammo and is way cooler, but the second has more burst potential. If you are not the main damage dealer, maybe one attack per round is not that bad with the Enchanted Bow

Son_of_Gothos · 112
Sure, but this is only one nieche. I'm pretty sure, this will become a staple on the level of Charisma or at least Relic Hunter. Any class has contested slots in either hand or arcane. Guardians can take a one handed off-weapon like the new "Blessed Blade" or (cheaper in XP) "Hungering Blade", Mystics finally get a non-jank way to include an evade spell (Shroud of Shadows) aside Fight and Investigate (if they are flex) or their main thing and something extra, like "Seal of the Seventh Sign" or "Dream Enhancing Serum", if they are not. "Eye of the Djinn" and "Black Fan" are great Rogue cards, but the hand slot a considerable cost for them. The leased impressed class will likely be Seeker. They would most likely love to use it for additional tomes, but "Cryptic Grimoire" is just terrible. — Susumu · 371
Does Ebow still take a hand & arcane? — MrGoldbee · 1470
Sure. Or rather, you could choose, if it takes one hand and one arcane or two hand slots from your original slots. OR gives just ONE additional slot. — Susumu · 371
Maybe this is minor, but if you use it to expand your arcane slots it lets Explosive Ward deal 3 damage testless damage, which may be worth spending 3xp for in some decks that need it bad (solo Daisy comes to mind for me). — interneterik · 1

Having a hand slot signature is tricky. Every class has things to do with the hands. Having a hand slot -weapon- signature is even trickier, because throughout a campaign, it’s eventually going to compete with two-handed or really good one-handed weapons. Daniela has a signature that plays really well with her initial ability… But can’t coexist with chainsaw or sledgehammer, the apex damage options in Survivor. Sure, you can run toolbelt, but that competes with old coat(1), which is four soak for one XP and an action. (Bandolier could help hold your weapons, but it can’t hold your signature; It also fights for the body slot, and Daniela can’t upgrade because she levels into survivor.)

Tinker solves this problem masterfully. It attaches to either the weapons or your wrench, whichever comes first. It cost zero XP, a single resource and no actions. Previously, the wrench was a last resort weapon (+2 to hit and two conditional damage is rapidly outpaced by other options). Now, you can use the wrench as flexibly as you always wanted: presumably to taunt Enemies off the cluever, Aloof 1HP enemies in zero actions.

MrGoldbee · 1470
This really does seem like a Daniela card, yeah... she needs that wrench. This also seems like it was built to combo with Cleaning Kit so that getting +3 supplies on, say, a Chainsaw, doesn't cost you an accessory slot. — HanoverFist · 738
This is also great for campaigns where important story assets take hand or accessory slots. — OrionJA · 1
This seems like the godsend Zoey needed to get Riot Whistle online which is great for her in 4P. No competing with her cross and no need for relic hunter now. — greenmantis55 · 99
Great for Kate too, to rack up tool hand assets for to pop clues onto (along with Doc. C. WIII & Chem Set to get yourself sumfink nice, darlin', with every success). — Dr_Shigogo · 1