Assume I attach The Raven Quill to e.g. Archaic Glyphs.
When I identify Archaic Glyphs by placing the third secret onto it, I have to discard it. The Raven Quill is attached and gets discarded with it. What happens with the reaction effect on The Raven Quill at the end of the game?
It says "When you resign or the game ends: Either mark a checkbox on The Raven Quill's upgrade sheet, or reduce the experience cost to upgrade the attached asset before the next scenario by 1.".
For this effect to work, The Raven Quill needs to be in play, am I right?
Same goes with other "unidentified" and "untranslated" assets like:
If it wouldn't be the case that The Raven Quill needs to be in play to have it's effect working once played, you should be able to trigger it twice.
- Play named asset
- Attach The Raven Quill
- Identify / Translate the asset -> Discard Asset + The Raven Quill
- Play 2nd Copy of named asset
- Attach 2nd copy of The Raven Quill
That should be enough to trigger both instances.
Some might even argue if you could repeat that multiple times with Scavenging and discard recycling e.g. with Minh Thi Phan.
It's strange ... If discarding The Raven Quill and disabling the reaction effect seems kinda dumb. The other way seems dumb too ... Help me.