This card may give much more actions to hammer at the enemy than you thought at first glance, when you think about the sequence of exhaustion and ready :
- Round 1: Investigation Phase : Place Snare Trap and end the turn.
- Round 1 : Enemy Phase : Nearby Hunter enemy moves in and enters the trapped location. You will not be attacked since it exhausts after Snare Trap changed from attaching to the location, to be attached on the enemy card.
- Round 1 : Upkeep Phase : It cannot ready and Snare Trap is discarded instead. Supposed that if this card does not have "Instead," in the 2nd Forced text, it would still be useful as you have already benefit from escaping one Enemy Phase. (Similar to Hiding Spot in term of its longevity.)
- Round 2 : Investigation Phase : You have got an enemy in rare state which it is exhausted even before you do anything, and likely you or your team is already there to pump actions to it with Retaliate disabled. Normally to fight the enemy you would have to spend an action to move in first, so you save both move and evade actions.
- Round 2 : Enemy Phase : It still can't do anything, since exhaustion refreshes in the upcoming Upkeep Phase. If you cannot defeat it in 3 actions of Round 2 and decided to stay, you are still not receiving any damage. You can decide to leave in this round to not get the engagement.
- Round 2 : Upkeep Phase : Now it readies and you choose the engagement.
- Round 3 : You still can pump actions to finish it off, this time with Retaliate on.
You can get more attacks in Round 1, if one player is already engaging and the other player happened to draw Snare Trap. The other player can go first and put down Snare Trap nearby, then the engaged player maybe attack it a few times and sacrifice 1 AoO to move and drag it causing it to "enter" the location with Snare Trap.