It doesn't seems like much but it can be a horrible weakness capable of wasting dozens of card draw on deck w/ 1 by 1 draw.
PS : can someone say if the weakness is intended to be put in the encounter deck in 'the city of archives' setup ?
It doesn't seems like much but it can be a horrible weakness capable of wasting dozens of card draw on deck w/ 1 by 1 draw.
PS : can someone say if the weakness is intended to be put in the encounter deck in 'the city of archives' setup ?
Do not leave home without Alyssa Graham. On top of being sanity soak for the stupid amount of horror that Jim's own deck throws at him, her ability works on "any player deck". That is to say, she can look for and discard Vengeful Shade before it even comes out. Even if you can't clear the doom in time, it's probably preferable to spawning the shade.
With the release of Hemlock Vale and the influx of good parley cards, this has been transformed from a hopelessly conditional card to enabler of an entire archetype. Obviously, Alessandra Zorzi plays 2 of this card in every deck, but any rogue can use the parley suite to decent success - Trish in particular loves tools like Existential Riddle. Bianca becomes much more forgiving, Drain Essence can remove a small enemy while healing you, and resolving an entire Vamp for free is always fun. Perhaps most importantly, anyone wanting to run the newly-taboo'd Power Word now needs the proper outfit to command their ghoul army. On top of all that, it will still help you with everything it used to - recruiting Lita, rescuing your friends, trivialising The Last King etc. Expect to see much more silk in investigators' arsenals from now on.
How this card interact with a backpack? Its a supply card so it can be attached to backpack... however as it has no cost, it cannot be played. I guess i cannot just draw that card from a backpack (for a action) right ať the end of the game... and cards in the backpack are not considered to be in the hand...
You would be surprised about how many cards end your turn in this game.
As long as you failed at least one skill test during your turn, you essentially say "Nope!" when the game really wants you to not be able to do anything anymore. This gets especially laughable when the "end your turn" effect comes from a failed skill test (and even for only that one action it's worth playing Lifeline, because giving the scenario the finger is always a good thing).