Fine Clothes

Oof. What a card. Cripplingly over-specialized, and subpar soak and skill icons to boot. It is unlikely that you would seriously consider this card in a blind run of any campaign, and even on a re-run, you have so many more all-purpose options to deal with the enemies with parley actions.

...That being said, I am what you might call, a maniac who makes it his business to include EVERY card that exists in this game at least once in one deck or another, even the bad ones. And to my surprise, I have found a niche for Fine Clothes, in a Joe Diamond deck no less:

Astute players may realise where I'm coming from in volunterring Joe to include this sub-par card; it turns out that Fine Clothes synergises with exactly two cards in the game right now (as of The Search for Kadath): Persuasion and Interrogate. That's right, injecting parley actions into your deck provides insurance against the dead-draw nature of Fine Clothes in the wrong scenario, providing it with the opportunity to always be useful. Granted Persuasion and Interrogate aren't exactly great cards either, but their badness comes from a hard test to pass, rather than a mediocre effect. In that regard, Fine Clothes elevates them to a decent level of power, and Joe Diamond fits the bill for this combo, due to having both the ability to take both and cards, and a hefty 4 in both attributes, which combined with the reduction of difficulty that Fine Clothes provides, all but ensures the success of the parley tests.

That's not to say this is a good combo by any means. It is however a thought experiment in how to maximise the potential of Fine Clothes, and I don't think it gets better than that for our tuxedo wearing mannequin... save for one last possible combo; Adaptable. With Adaptable, and proper knowledge of the scenarios that you'll be facing, you can elect to include Fine Clothes on the missions where it's actually useful, and swap them out when they won't be. This absolves them of their downside of ultra-specialisation, and a -2 difficulty on tests that may be a major part of a mission can turn a scenario one difficulty down for all intents and purposes. As to which ones you should consider swapping in Fine Clothes for, that would be spoilers, so I leave it to you to imagine when dressing in your Sunday's best would be appropiate.

Lucaxiom · 4465
I feel like Fine Clothes is a bit better than you say. Most Parley tests are relatively high in difficulty, and having Fine Clothes can really speed up those tests. Certainly more useful in some campaigns than others though :). Moreover, if you are replaying a campaign and know that Parley tests are coming up, this card can compensate for certain low stats (especially Willpower). And it's especially useful for Rogues, who can swap them in/out of decks really easily with Adaptable to tech for certain scenarios. :) — iceysnowman · 164
I've really liked Fine Clothes. It's a solid filler for the coat slot if you have nothing else to take and you want more utility in your deck. The fact that it soaks horror is also not irrelevant for low sanity bois like Skids, Tony, or Roland. Tommy can keep it out and it'll never die to Rookie Mistake, always ready to reimburse its expense. Mandy can take one ofs for more narrow cards, especially at higher deck sizes (and her stats are good for Parleys anyway). And yeah, any Rogue with Adaptable can squeeze in a copy or two before certain scenarios. I think it serves a great purpose as a coat that anyone can take. It's specialized, but powerful and still versatile in its soak. It's also cheaper than Backpack and Trench Coat. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
While the soak is nice, there's many better cards. You also don't need to fill all slots — Django · 5093
You’re right, you dont need to fill slots. But as an all purpose cheap soak it’s pretty great, and the effect is still powerful and common enough that Ive never been upset for taking Fine Clothes. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
This card is way better than you give it credit for. In the sense that it's a silver bullet. It's outright fantastic in a few scenarios and for said scenarios a Rogue might Adabtable them in. — Tsuruki23 · 2548
Double or Nothing

For the longest time I feel like this card never really hit its full potential because the game designers were afraid of printing something that would be too powerful with Double or Nothing. For example, I don't think it's a coincidence that the only 2-class combination that hasn't been used yet is Rogue/Seeker. The card combined with a Fingerprint Kit and a Deduction allows you to potentially scoop up 8 clues in one action, and with stuff like Higher Education boosting you it's not very difficult to pass the doubled test on any shroud location. Finn Edwards could pull a weaker version of this off, but he had to settle for level 0 Deduction and had to dedicate his limited off-class slots to it and he lacked the card draw that Seekers had. But now that Mandy Thompson exists, you get access to scooping 8 clues a turn and are able to piece that combo together very well due to her amazing card searching.

Additionally for the longest time using Double or Nothing on a big-deal combat attack sounded like a pipe dream because it was generally very difficult for you to be able to boost your combat high enough to be able to safely pass the doubled test, and many of the common Rogue weapons relied on you succeeding by 2 or more to have full effect. Now that Tony and his incredible 5 base combat exists though, that dream is a reality. Daring and Momentum both help as well, meaning that if you really want to go wild, you can throw in an All In to the test and get tons of cards out of the deal as well.

With those investigators and cards being printed, I don't think it's entirely surprising that Double or Nothing got nerfed on the optional Taboo list. Even without those cards, I've always felt like it was pretty good just because of its combo with Quick Thinking and "Watch this!", but now you can do far more than gain 2 actions and net 9 resources with the card. Even at 3 XP, I think the card is definitely worth considering in the right decks.

Sylvee · 102
Update: Double or Nothing has been executed by the most recent taboo list :) — TheDoc37 · 468

I like this card for Diana Stanley. It works with both standard weapons and spells that use willpower, and Diana can handle the occasional counterattack with her cancel cards. It is more flexible than the core set cantrip skills, which are their main weakness.

jmmeye3 · 628
I think this card is just great for every Guardian. The retaliate clause is just not a big downside when you're getting +3 to the test, and everything else about this card is sweet. I love that it can be a better Overpower most of the time, but it has the flexibility to work with non-Combat attacks. Plus, by letting Guardians evade, it's a nice answer to Vengeance enemies, Poltergeists, etc. — CaiusDrewart · 3170
Silas can also take it — Zinjanthropus · 229
For Diana it has also a nice combo with the 2 XP .45 Automatic. Because she can trigger the ignore, even if there is no true retaliate enemy around when she empties the gun. — Susumu · 369
Abbess Allegria Di Biase

Hi all. I've a questione about this card. I won "Carnevale of horrors" and I add Abbess to my deck but... How can I use her ability? I think she's useful only by committing or absorbing damage... or not? tnx u all

The way I read it is that she provides free move actions to any player. That's pretty awesome tbh. Very much like lvl2 Shortcut but it follows you around. — Sassenach · 179
She's like a better pathfinder, really helpful for fighters who are quite action starved. Their turns are usually move, engage/ attack, attack. She is pretty expensive but worth it. Now combine her with 3 Open Gate and 2 Shortcut 2. — Django · 5093
OMG! If you're Ashcan Pete, you can use her ability an extra time by discarding a card (Or let a friend use it for the second one). Not to mention you already get a free move if you're investigating with Duke. Also good for most other investigators. — Zinjanthropus · 229
First Watch

There's a very interesting mathematical analysis around this card in my opinion. At first I considered each combination of possible card splits as all the possibilities this card allows you, but then I noticed that each investigator draws the cards dealt to them one at a time (presumably in mythos phase order), which means you technically also get to choose the order you draw all the cards you deal to yourself. This makes the possibilities explode even further. In other words, the order of the cards matters, and without loss of generality all we have to do is combine all the possible orders of the cards with all the possible choices of who can be assigned cards:

  • One investigator. (A). 1 possibility
  • Two investigators. (AB, ) or (A, B). 2 orders x 2 assignments = 4 possibilities.
  • Three investigators. (ABC, , ) or (AB, C, ) (x2, one for each person) or (A, B, C). 6 orders x 4 assignments = 24 possibilities.
  • Four investigators. (ABCD, , , ) or (ABC, D, , ) (x3, one for each person) or (AB, C, D, ) (x3, one for each pair) or (A, B, C, D). 24 orders x 8 assignments = 192 possibilities.

The math is obviously less impressive if you don't particularly care about the order that you draw the treacheries, but it's still really good:

  • One investigators. 1 possibility.
  • Two investigators. 3 possibilities. (Goes from 2, 2 to 1, 2).
  • Three investigators. 13 possibilities. (Goes from 6, 12, 6 to 1, 6, 6).
  • Four investigators. 73 possibilities. (Goes from 24, 72, 72, 24 to 1, 12, 36, 24).

Either way you choose to look at it, this card explodes the possibility space at higher counts. The only caveat I'd make with the math here is that it doesn't account for duplicate treacheries which will heavily cut down your options. Even still, at 4 players or even 3 players I think you need to have a very strong reason to not take this card. The main killer in this game is tempo, whether that's not having enough time to do everything before doom runs out, or not having enough actions to deal with all the threats before you become defeated. First Watch, for a ridiculously low cost, can buy you an entire Mythos phase worth of tempo. Daisy won't care about that Rotting Remains, give it to her; let's have Mark draw the ghoul so he can kill it in one shot; let Diana cancel that Frozen in Fear no one wants to deal with, you get the jist.

Who should take it? Anyone with access at 4 players, full stop. I think the card is really that good. Do you like The Gold Pocket Watch? This is kind of like a non-exceptional mini version of that. At 3 it's a bit hazier but still amazing, and I think it's worth making sure you include a copy or two. At any counts below that the card is basically useless and not worth running at all.

If you want some particular investigators:

EDIT: A new little exploit has come to light. First Watch replaces your entire Mythos phase. Say in a 4 player game you have 3-1 cards left in the Encounter deck, you only draw those cards and distribute them among 4 players, and that's your entire Mythos phase. So if there were a single card left, and you played First Watch, you effectively cancelled 3 treacheries. Now it's questionable how often you'd be able to do this: it depends on how many non surge cards you have in an encounter deck and whether that number is divisible by 4, plus some effects may mess with the numbers in other ways (eg Stargazing), not to mention scenarios where you get consistent reshuffles of the discard pile. But, if you can pull it off, it's a hell of a play.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
For me, this is a straight up replacement for anyone that would use "Let me handle this!" (and, to a lesser extent, "You handle this one!"). Being able to deal the Encounter Cards to the best target seems incredibly powerful for just 1 resource. — Faranim · 417
I don't know if it is an exploit the thing that you said about the encounter deck missing cards (for example in a 4 player game there will be 1 card in the encounter deck left). With my party, every time a deck is running out, we do those steps. a) If I play, lets say Prepare for the worst and me as, Mark has 4 cards in his deck,I draw those 4 cards left, I take 1 horror because I cannot take any draw action, then I reshuffle the deck and I draw the other 5. I think it is the same as in encouter deck. I am not sure what is the correct solution about this and we play with those rules as "house rules". Apart from that, I think this card is excellent and nearly game changer in ways possible. — Sotosprotos · 86
It says merely to look at the top X cards, then deal those cards. If there are less cards at the top than the requisite number of gators, you simply look at as much as you can and then deal as much as you can. After that part of the effect has resolved as much as it can, you only then draw the dealt cards. It would work as you describe if you were told to draw those cards instead. It's also not something I see being worth a house rule- a lot of decks reshuffle anyway, and for the ones that don't you're making a choice between using FW early on a turn it could really help you or trying to postpone it for a larger late game tempo gain. Up to you to decide what's more worthwhile. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
How does this interact with 'Surge'? Does one still draw a fresh encounter card from the pile that they haven't scried? — BlankedyBlank · 23
Yes I believe so. — StyxTBeuford · 13028