Luke Robinson

Ruling from Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist via the official rules question form:

Question: Let's say that location A is connected to location B which is connected to location C (location C is not directly connected to location A). If Luke Robinson is at location A and plays Shortcut(0) as if he was at location B (using his investigator ability), could he end his turn at location C? If so and location B was unrevealed, would it be revealed?

Answer: Yes; if Luke plays Shortcut while in location A, “as if” in location B, he can move from location A to location C. He does not reveal location B in doing so.

GeneralXy · 41
Hello! Can you share and forward the official ruling email (including questions and answers) you received to This is the mailbox of the ArkhamDB FAQ maintainer, and they will update the ruling you received into ArkhamDB! — Jacksonsu · 1
Plan of Action

Ruling from Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist via the official rules question form:

Question: If I commit Plan of Action to a skill test during the Mythos Phase, would it only commit for one wild icon?

Answer: No; if you commit Plan of Action during the mythos phase, you would give it 1 willpower and 1 agility icon.

GeneralXy · 41
That ruling is the direct opposite of the one we had before, which said you don't get icons during mythos phase. But i like it, it should give those icons to make it even slightly playable, so i'm glad they changed it! — Blood&gore · 434
This card should have worked like that since day 1 — Jota · 7
I hope they release an errata for this card then. The text on the card is fairly clear: "during or before the first action of __this__ turn". In the mythos phase you're not within any "turn", so this ruling is a direct contradiction to the text on the card itself. — snacc · 995
In English, "this ..." usually means "this upcoming .. — flamebreak · 22
...", i.e. "this upcoming turn" the FAQ just clarifies the fairly ambigous wording, it was clearly intended to be usable in the mythos. — flamebreak · 22
Also this is the first ruling on this card, there was no "previous ruling" like another commenter suggested. FFG is not contradicting themselves (in this case). — flamebreak · 22
Trish Scarborough

Rulings from Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist via the official rules question form:

Question: Let’s say that Trish Scarborough is at a location with another investigator and there is an enemy engaged with that other investigator. If Trish discovers a clue at the location and uses her special ability, can she “automatically evade” the enemy engaged with the other investigator? If so, what exactly happens - is the engagement broken and the enemy exhausted?

Answer: Yes, Trish Scarborough can use her ability to “automatically evade” an enemy engaged with another investigator. Once she does so, that enemy will exhaust and break its engagement with the other investigator.

Question: Let’s say that Trish Scarborough uses Damning Testimony to discover a clue at the location of an enemy and then uses her special ability. Can she “automatically evade” the enemy even if it is not engaged with any investigator? If so, is there any effect other than exhausting the enemy?

Answer: Yes; it’s possible to automatically evade an enemy that isn’t at your location. That enemy will exhaust, even if it’s not engaged with another investigator. And while nothing additional will happen with Trish and the Damning Testimony, Trish could trigger an effect that required her to evade an enemy, like Pickpocketing. (Note, she can only trigger effects that don’t require a “successful” evade).

GeneralXy · 41
Rational Thought

Ruling from Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist via the official rules question form:

Question: Let's say that Carolyn Fern has Peter Sylvestre in play and Peter has one horror on him. Then Carolyn draws Rational Thought. Will Peter heal the horror on him at end of turn?

Answer: No. Rational Thought makes it so that Carolyn Fern cannot heal Peter Sylvestre through his reaction triggered ability.

GeneralXy · 41
That seems weird to me. If you cant heal Peter, why does Rational Thought says that you cannot gain money? It should not be there (or be reminder text). — Jota · 7
@Jota It says Carolyn cannot gain resources from her reaction ability in order to prevent the player from gaining resources whilst healing the horror on Rational Thought itself. — snacc · 995
Book of Living Myths

Have you ever played a Mystic deck built around recurring Premonition every turn?

Book of Living Myths is just a persistent Premonition attached to an Asset for Kōhaku Narukami decks. Assuming you keep an eye on the number of Blessing / Curse tokens and have ways to manipulate the Blurse distribution in the chaos bag, Book of Living Myths can guarantee that you draw at least 1 symbol and at least 1 Curse / Blessing token of your choice per turn. That has some unique deckbuilding opportunities:

For cards that only care about "Symbols" being revealed (assuming you use the Taboo list), like Jewel of Aureolus, Read the Signs, Hypnotic Gaze, or Ritual Candles, Book of Living Myths guarantees that you always satisfy the symbol conditions.

For cards that actively require a Blessing or Curse token to be drawn, like Eye of Chaos, Ofuda, Beloved, or Fey, then Book of Living Myths can help Kohaku reveal Blessings / Curses consistently where other Blurse Mystics would need to play Favor of the Sun / Favor of the Moon + Olive McBride to match him. Most Blessing and Curse cards are balanced around the fact that you're unlikely to consistently reveal them from the token bag when you need them; assuming you build your deck to take advantage of both Blessings AND Curses, Book of Living Myths removes that random chance altogether to the point where it almost feels like Kohaku is cheating.

Telosa · 55
I have a question: after you resolve the blessing/cursed symbol, do you have to reveal another chaos token? — Elijah · 1
@Elijah: Yes. This is part of the resolution of the bless/curse token. — Astrophil · 1
Do Book of Living Myths count as "revealing" ? — Loliwai · 1
This is one of the best signatures in the game. Every time I play Kohaku I want to add the Research Librarian to my deck, just to find this tome. I guess it's on purpose that Kohaku cannot play the Librarian as it would make the Book of Living Myths too powerful — Putzibram · 20