Scrimshaw Charm

I suspect Parallel Jim Culver is going to be a fan of this. When you need you can tap for four resources and some extra fuel for your shenanigans. That much compression also makes your economy elastic enough to install any of the Cursed spell suite (Armageddon, The Eye of Chaos, Shroud of Shadows) to your rig from near-poverty. Bonus points if you're Fast sealing them on Favor of the Moon for even more payout over time. You can afford to give up some of the usual -boosting accessories on Jim with allies like Granny Orne or David Renfield in your spirit deck.

Teag · 52
Ceremonial Sickle

Why does this card have an exhaust clause written on it anywhere, let alone on the option that adds doom to the board? Is the risk of adding doom not enough of a cost to curtail the card's potential abuse? I get that it's an ostensibly limitless 2 damage weapon, but you're adding doom to it each time you want +1 damage--that's something you gotta strategize or you're toast. I'm so bummed and confused why this card is so woefully underpowered. Heck, this card would still be fair in my opinion if it's first option read: "Place one doom on it to get +3 skill value and deal +1 damage for this attack. You may exhaust this card to deal an additional +1 damage." Its damage output is still throttled and requires the player to pilot their deck thoughtfully or else they'll wind up in big trouble.

Instead, we have something whose cost has basically no business being anywhere near 4 XP. Mystic upgrades have a bit of a reputation of being poor value for your XP, but even among that crowd of cards, the doom asset suite stands out as particularly anemic. Hopefully they all make their way onto the taboo list at some point.

Sandmole · 46
Becaus the same brains behind this probably designed Flute of the Outer Gods — Blood&gore · 431
Probably it should be used together with the card Sin Eater from the same expansion, which readies cards if you remove the doom as a fast action? — Tharzax · 1
But then, for 10xp (14 two copies) you have a Timeworn brand with +1 fist but some disadvantages. — Jota · 7
Sorry, +2 total. — Jota · 7
Take Heart

I feel that other reviewers are missing what this card is. This card is not about failing a test on purpose, it is about earning a consolation when you fail a test that you really wanted to succeed.

Imagine you are facing a vital test for the scenario, but you can't ensure success in all cases (damned auto-failed). Of course you will invest all ressources you have to pass the test. If you additionally commit this card, it allows you, if the test fails, to earn cards et resources which will help you to cope with the consequences of failure.

This card is an insurance, it brings consistency to the game. It is not a circumvoluted Emergency Cache.

Okami · 41
If you succeed, then this card does nothing. But you'd almost always want to succeed on tests that you initially planned to succeed on. You described the most general use case for this card, and everyone knows that. But what this card generally excels in is building tempo, especially in the early game, when the need for cards and resources are at an all-time high. — toastsushi · 74
That probably was the initial design of the card, but it is so overtuned that it turns out it's worth failing an action on purpose for it. — Valentin1331 · 73318
If I success in a test were I commited take heart, then this card is basically a promise of power. — Jota · 7
I also disagree hard with Okami. If you use Take Heart this way you waste a lot of its potential. Remember it eats a deck slot and the action you drew it with like any other card? — AlderSign · 309
Marie Lambeau

Like Father Mateo, Marie needs an updated review now that Scarlet Keys have been released. Elle Rubash mitigates her biggest drawback—needing doom on a card to get her that extra action. Now she's fine in multiplayer as long as Elle is out since she no longer accelerates the doom clock. The only drawback is that she also needs to take Charisma to prevent Baron Samedi from bumping Elle when drawn.

At level zero, she can take Ceremonial Sickle or Dowsing Rod to get that doom. Note the Rod gives a +1 when investigating, so when put under Elle you're up to 6 before other buffs. For combat, she probably wants to upgrade to Abyssal Tome as she can just keep the doom on there while under Elle for a +2 attack (choosing whichever or is higher) and 2 damage once a turn. It exhausts so she needs a backup weapon, but she'll have her extra action for the rest of the scenario. When the doom clock resets, she can "reload" by either swinging the Tome at an enemy or use the Rod to move and investigate. With a good stat line and card pool access, plus an extra action that you can proc for the entire scenario once you're set up with no extra risk, I think Marie is finally a fun investigator to play!

You can also attach Baron Samedi to Elle Rubash, since he is an asset. But unfortunately that doesn't free the Ally slot. At least it helps with his doom — Tharzax · 1

This card is bonkers, arguably the most powerful card in the set. A free-action Working Two Seeking Answers, triggering off of doing what you want to do already... this is the set's Shed A Light. And as a bonus, you can recur it with Eldritch Tongue without having to deckcycle. Hot damn.

mattastrophic · 3305
You can't recur it with eldritch tongue can you? It's not a parley itself. — spannertheodd · 1
That's wrong to the wording of eldritch Toung. The tounge works with every card that contains the word "parley". The card itself don't necessarily need to initiate a parley action. — Tharzax · 1
Tharzax is right. The FAQ has been updated a little over 3 hours before mattastrophic wrote the review. Neat, this also means Alessandra can fully upgrade "Grizzled". — Susumu · 371
Technically yes, but this restriction in her deckbuilding seems weird to me. Probably we get another FAQ for her. — Tharzax · 1