Call for Backup

If I played this card while engaged does it provoke an aoo? What if I use it to deal 1 damage and kill the enemy? What if you play this card, use it to move to a location and discover a clue, but you get engaged by an enemy as soon as you move to the new location? I'm assuming that just the playing of the card itself will provoke an aoo.

Yes, it will provoke an AoO. But not, if you mover into a location by th rogue ability and engage it, only, if you are already engaged while initiating the play sequence. Besides, there are better places to ask rules questions, like BGG or Discord. — Susumu · 371
Take Heart

How good is Take Heart in 2024? Does it still deserve to be a staple or is it another casualty of the ever-expanding card pool?

Imagine a hypothetical 0-cost event that draws 2 cards and gains 2 resources. That would compare favorably to Emergency Cache (2), and be a solid card at 2 XP or close to an auto-include at 0 XP. So how does the real Take Heart compare to this hypothetical event?


  • To "play" it as an action you need an available test you can fail, most reliably an investigation.
  • You suffer the effects of a failed test, such as Haunted abilities or random chaos token effects.
  • Sometimes a +1, , or will accidentally succeed the test and waste the card entirely.


So where does that leave us overall?

If you can reliably fail investigations without horrible consequences, Take Heart is still a very strong card. Baseline, this means an investigator with 2 or less. Any higher and you're having to wait around for higher-shroud locations or roll the dice on dodging 0 tokens. But even with 0-2, any of the following could make it much worse:

  • A teammate going into tokens.
  • Playing The Circle Undone campaign (just don't do it).
  • Particularly punishing failure effects on , , or . This is the hardest one to plan around, but even in the worse cases you're usually only looking at 10-20% chances of meaningful consequence, and if it's a forced test you're not increasing your risk at all.

So those are the factors that could make Take Heart worse. What factors make it better?

  • While low is the most reliable way to use it, low defensive stats increase the odds of getting to freeroll it off a treachery. This makes it marginally better for someone with low like Silas Marsh, and much better for someone with low stats across the board like Charlie Kane or Carson Sinclair.
  • It's best when soak is your main way to survive troublesome treacheries, compared to passing tests or canceling the cards.
  • If you're building around other fail-matters or difficulty increases, it goes from good to amazing.

There are places where Take Heart is obviously great, but consider it the next time you find yourself playing Agnes Baker or "Ashcan" Pete! Maybe you can even find space for it in Zoey Samaras or Daniela Reyes. And Hank Samson is just around the corner...

obsidiandice · 108
Hi! I know this is a little late, but I'm about to play Preston Fairmont in The Circle Undone (bought the campaign and have left it sealed until I play it with my friends, so I'm going in totally blind) - is there a spoiler-free way as to why this is really bad in that Campaign? Just really damaging "On fail" Symbols? — Marymatician · 121
Hi, me from two months ago! The reason OP warns against The Circle Undone is because the core mechanic of the campaign punishes failure on investigation tests, similar to Retaliate. However, Take Heart is still an amazing card in your deck, and has become one of your favourite cards overall, an incredibly strong pick. — Marymatician · 121
Minh Thi Phan

All the reviews I read on Minh do her little justice. You can look at her ability and frown a bit, but it is not what makes her strong. Her stat line is not perfect, but it is perfectly reasonable - at 4 Will and easy access to +2 from comitting a single symbol she is very resilient to the nastier effects of the mythos deck. Her 2 foot is not stellar, but if she commit a symbol and someone else commits a symbol she is at 6 Agility. Plus her 7/7 health pool is a blessing, since Seeker allies tend to soak horror better.

She is ridiculously strong and among the best Seekers in the game after only 4xp. The reason? Scavenging 2 + Seeker 5. Its an unique combination that gives you the best of red plus the best of yellow. Scavenging in a Survivor deck is all nice, but most Survivors have trouble to pull it off easily out of the box and even when they can survivor has very few items worth scavenging. Darrel can, but he doesn't have access to good cards to scavenge aside from Old Keyring. Minh and Rex are unique in this regard, but Minh does it more consistently from Turn 1 and can play scavenged items without spending an action with Scavenging. Considering that Rex get a clue for free, but has to spend turns playing scavenged items almost evens the clue game all by itself.

Two cards make the core: Scavenging and Schoffner's Catalogue

Shoffner can pay for all of your AND your allies items. And it takes no slot. It's basically a 3 resource card (2 cost, 5 return) that auto-recurs. It is easy to over succeed after you play your seeker items. Even on tough shroud you only need to commit 1 symbol to reliably overshoot the check (on Standard difficulty. On higher difficulties Encyclopedia or Dream Diary should be considered.

Scavenging + ANY item with ? (Rabbit's Foot or Encyclopedia or Hyperphysical Shotcasterfor commit turns her ability into a mini-Darrel. You never actually play these items. You just commit them over and over again.

Scavenging + The Necronomicon. Minh is THE BEST Necronomicon user by none. Overstack on Hand slots, play cheap assets like Magnifying Glass to go over your hand slot and discard necronomicon. Recur, play for free with Schoffner. Trivialize every monster.

Scavenging + Scroll of Secrets. Scroll of Secrets is Gloria Goldberg in the form of 3xp 1cost seeker item, which you recur and play for free with Schoffner's Catalogue

Expensive Seeker assets like Fingerprint Kit and Fingerprint Kit or Grim Memoir are a joke to pay for Minh. With Research Librarian you can tutor either your Schoffner's Catalogue to load on resourced or The Necronomicon start the chain reaction depending on what you get in your starting hand. Put a single copy of Astounding Revelation makes Research Librarian pay for itself.

azmo · 4
I think there is one omission in your review: Ice Picks (3)! It is the best scavenging target in the game right now, and plays fast so it doesn't need Scavenging (2) (except for the catalogue recursion). With this in mind, I still agree that Minh is top tier with Scavenging alone! — Valentin1331 · 73305
Ice Pick (3) is the inferior option for Minh. She can do Fingerprint Kit (4) instead. In terms of XP, resource cost and actions to recur the kit is simply superior. — azmo · 4
Accidentally clicked post. Just to clarify: — azmo · 4
Fucking hell i hate this site. Must not CLICK press repeat to myself.... with that said... fingerprint (4) will get you 6 clues for 5 resources and one recursion. For the same 6 clues you'll have to recur Ice pick 6 times and pay 6 resources. For Minh recurring Necronomicon is simply superior. Darrel doesn't get Necronomicon and Rex doesn't get Scavenging(2) so they can save 4XP from Scavenging and recur Ice Picks isntead. Bonus points if you also run Hyperphysical Shortcaster or any of the seeker attack events. — azmo · 4
I think the nature of Arkham makes it hard to declare one card as always superior to another. There are several benefits to Ice Picks over Fingerprint Kit 4. At 2p FK4 is mostly wasted, and a flexy Minh that also fights can benefit from the damage aspect of Ice Picks. And per-clue economy isn't the only way to analyze costs; you can recur the Pick with the resource you generate each turn, whereas you need burst economy to replay Fingerprint Kit. FP4 can be a good choice for Minh to scavenge, but which card is superior depends a lot on player count, build, etc. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
Obviously it is not a one card fits all situations. Laregely depends on your build. If you are not recuring any other cards other than Ice Pick (3) then you can enjoy the flexibility it provides. But if you are recurring Necronomicon (or other expensive assets - like Grim Memoir), you'll also have to recur Schoffner more often. In this case you prefer an asset that you recur once and use over longer amount of time - like the Kit. Ice Pick (3) is a flexible, fire and forget item, but you — azmo · 4
... (hate this site) will have to commit to recur it every round instead of anything else. — azmo · 4
Unsolved Case

It comboes very bad with core set mythos card: Dissonant Voices, which prevents you from playing assets and ... events. This is an event, so if you drew Dissonant Voices and this on top of the Hunch deck, it's going to stay and there's nothing you can do about it (*you wound need to drop Dissonant Voices first to be able to play it). On the flip side, chances for that are really low.

Another interesting thing about this card is that in the last scenario of a campaign, you simply don't care about it. You don't need any experience any more.

bugiel_marek · 23
How does this card interact with the prelude scenarios from Hemlock Vale? Since i don`t draw it it isn`t discarded. Does this card substract from the bonus Exp if i don`t play it? — Daxlow · 13
Schoffner's Catalogue

After reading the other reviews, I found it curious how so many good points were brought up, yet the logical comparisons between Catalogue and Emergency Cache didn't mention the factor of asset-hating treacheries, of which there are quite a few. One secret could be left on the Catalogue to effectively replace a Crypt Chill's "Discard an asset you control" effect with a more palatable "Lose 1 resource". Besides the asset-hating treacheries, one could also consider the asset-loving SU-21 investigator who can devour the Catalogue with the last secret left. Plus, unlike investigators who might have no use for the Catalogue once fully set up with all the items they want, SU-21 always hungers for more cards to eat including items the Catalogue will help pay for.

ftrkmrvdsr · 3