I wanted clarification on the rules regarding the elusive keyword and effects that would cause an enemy to become exhausted as part of an attack (i.e with Stunning Blow). FFG kindly got back to me to clarify:
Q: How does elusive work if an investigator attack would cause the enemy to become exhausted? For example, if an investigator commits Stunning Blow to their attack. Does the elusive keyword trigger before the automatic evade occurs? Thanks!
A: Yes; an elusive enemy that was ready before attacking will still move after attacking, and it does not exhaust until after it moves. If an effect causes it to exhaust in the middle of an attack triggered by elusive, the enemy still moves, and remains exhausted at the new location.
For instance, if an investigator commits Stunning Blow while attacking an elusive enemy, they’d resolve the attack & effects as normal (including exhausting and disengaging from the enemy), then that enemy would still move to a connecting location and remain exhausted.
Sincerely, Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist
I know this is more of a question about the elusive keyword than Stunning Blow, but there isn't currently a way to write posts about keywords specifically. Hope this helps anyone else wondering this.