Hemispheric Map

Clearly a very situational card, it's good in scenarios where you know there'll be a lot of locations in play and preferably from the get-go.

I think this card will really shine in The Blob That Ate Everything; as long as you're not at an outer location you'll get the +2 and +2 pretty much all the time.

I'd like to take two copies of it in a Mandy Thompson search deck with Dr. Elli Horowitz and maybe the oft-forgotten Relic Hunter just in case. Assuming you have enough other sources of search as well it should be found pretty quickly, and getting +4 and for a base of 7 and 9 on a lot of locations is pretty nuts.

Location breakdown:

  • 5 locations will net you the full +2
  • 4 locations will net you +1
  • 4 locations will net you nada
Isn't your breakdown off? I think it's (excluding your own location)... 0-1 locations +0 Will/ Int; 2-3 locations +1 Will/ Int; 4+ locations +2 Will/ Int — Django · 5108
The breakdown is specifically for blob that ate everything. It's saying in the blob, there are 4 locations that don't benefit you, 4 locations that give you +1 if you are standing on them, and 5 locations where you get +2 if you are standing on them — NarkasisBroon · 10
Scrying Mirror

Scrying Mirror appears to be the lynchpin of many of Jacqueline's combos, such as predicting tokens that will be drawn or the results of skill tests.

Also pairs well with Mystic cards that are all about efficiency and consistency, such as Recall the Future, Olive McBride, or all of Jim.

Aside from that, this is a very good card for skill tests on BIG cards, like your friend's Lightning Gun or Eye of Truth.

its dont work with Recall the Future coz text on it says "when bla bla bla" — Meranomi · 1
and its dont work with Defiance lvl0, coz text says that "before reaviling" — Meranomi · 1
You CAN technically still use Recall the Future if you trigger it before the mirror, although you are still 'guessing', but that's fine with RtF since you only call relevant tokens with it anyways. While Defiance(0) doesn't work since committing skill cards happens after the mirror and it never gets a chance to have its effect happen, Defiance(2) DOES work since its effect happens in Step 4 which still occurs later. And that could still be pretty neat. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
@Death by Chocolate So in Sister Mary there is no way to "tutor" your Shotgun, for example picking the Chaos Token and then deciding whether you're going to use your Recall the future/Well Prepared to make sure that you always do the right amount of damage? — Valentin1331 · 74060
Stick to the Plan

Edit (7th Feb 2023): The original post below is no longer valid. As Killbray pointed out in the comments, the latest FAQ (2.0) clarified this:

(1.26) Searching During Setup
If an investigator is instructed to search a deck for 1 or more cards during setup, abilities that trigger when a deck is searched (such as Mandy Thompson’s reaction ability or abilities on Research cards) cannot be resolved, as the game has not yet begun.

Original (Outdated):

One extra cool thing about Stick to the Plan that nobody else seems to be mentioning here:

For Roland Banks, Zoey Samaras and Carolyn Fern - you can include one copy of Astounding Revelation in your deck. This will trigger when you do your initial search with Stick to the Plan, causing you to consistently start every scenario with 2 extra resources (and your deck is thinned by one extra card!). This is equivalent to having Another Day, Another Dollar, for free!

snacc · 1002
That's fair. It is discussed in a few Astounding Revelations reviews, but none on Stick to the Plan. I'm a big fan of using Zoey's 5 flex slots on 2x Rook and 3x Astounding Revelation, especially with how strong her signature asset is and the value of improving the consistancy of finding it. But 1x splashes of Surprised Rabbi is just very powerful with Stick to the Plan for those who can take it. It might even be worth considering Versatile as a budget Another Day Another Dollar if you don't mind adding the other four cards to your deck. (trading resource consistancy for card consistancy) — Death by Chocolate · 1485
I'm assuming that this also means Stick to the Plan cannot have duplicates of any card under it? Just thought I'd ask since I didn't see it clarified elsewhere. — LaRoix · 1645
STTP says "different" events so you can't stick the same card twice. — Django · 5108
Don't forget the lovely Lola Hayes! — Redwardian · 10
@Redwardian Lola can't use Stick to the Plan at all - by the time when the reaction would trigger, she isn't in any role at all but her limitations are already active. And even if she could somehow choose the guardian role in time and trigger the reaction, she couldn't then trigger the Astounding reaction due to not being a seeker. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Unfortunately since August 2022 with the new FAQ (2.0) released, this Astounding Revelation trick is no longer possible. This is because the newly introduced rule states that abilities that trigger on searching the deck do not work during scenario setup, they can only be used after the game has started. — Killbray · 12057
Thanks @Killbray, I've edited the review so it's clearer. — snacc · 1002
"Fool me once..."

"Fool me once..." is an alright card if played fairly, for it purpose of cancelling a future encounter card - it comes cheaper than Ward of Protection (since you don't have to pay a horror), but costs an extra XP and has more stringent restrictions on when it can cancel a card. Other reviews give more in-depth descriptions of this.

However, there's an important (perhaps unintended) usage of this card: unlike most treachery-interaction cards, this one doesn't specify that it only applies to non-weakness treacheries, so you can use it to trap a weakness to avoid redrawing it when you reshuffle your deck.

Most Guardians don't really have the draw to take advantage of this, but this effect can be especially strong in Joe Diamond, who does have access to the tools needed to repeatedly draw his deck, and this can let you really easily facilitate infinite combos, even if you draw a particularly nasty weakness (such as Amnesia).

Tskami · 17
That's especially juicy if your team happens to draw duplicate random basic weaknesses. — Yenreb · 15
While most Guardians might not be able to make the best use of it themselves, if someone capable of deck cycling draws a treachery that goes into their threat area like Chronophobia, the Guardian can be the one to discard it, then subsequently seal it. — Whimsical · 29
Segment of Onyx

This card is actively bonkers for Daisy Walker, who can frequently draw through her entire deck to find it using Old Book of Lore and other search/draw. It costs 1 XP Total, thanks to Myriad rules, and gives you tons of free actions for resources provided you are meeting the requirements. Actions and autosucceeds are way more important than resources. And in a pinch, it pitches as a wildcard!

If you expire Pendant of the Queen when your deck is near empty or empty, you can stack your deck with three Segments and immediately draw into and play them again. Combined with secret charging abilities like Astounding Revelation and Enraptured, this card can make five-action life a reality for seekers.

LocoPojo · 234
You can't recharge this with astounding revelation; secrets are not charges. — SGPrometheus · 821