Unbound Beast

Summoned Hound is set aside when Unbound Beast is drawn, but nothing indicates a way for the Summoned Beast to re-enter play. Does that mean that the Summoned Hound reappears once the Unbound Beast is subdued or is it effectively removed from the game?

unremb · 247
The summoned hound is removed from the game. As you say, there's nothing indicating that it comes back, so it doesn't. — SGPrometheus · 821
Seems like an oversight. This probably should have said "Otherwise, set an Investigator's Summoned Hound aside, out of play until this card leaves play..." — Othello · 2
I don't think that's an oversight. It's a deliberate design choice. Summoning is dangerous, when the summoned hound gets loose he's after you for daring to control him. So he starts munchin' on his summoner for revenge. And if you or someone else manage to defeat the hound - well, it's gone. — Csys · 1
It's not gone forever though, it's discarded, hence it can come back through deck cycling. — Éole · 14
(it's only a lost draw in that situation though, and an one-off, but still) — Éole · 14
The Unbound Beast is discarded - but the Summoned Hound remains out of play. — unremb · 247
Charles Ross, Esq.

Now, how does this work on Lola? If she is not in seeker role, would the discounts built up prior still usable/apply later? Or does it only apply on seeker/neutral items when she is a seeker?

Stretching it further, what if Ross is defeated/replaced (on Lola, or any investigator)? Would the discount built up still apply? Likely not, but if it does it would be really good, especially for Lola whose Ross easily dies to COI.

Since it's not an effect that you activate or trigger, I'm pretty sure she gets his discount no matter what role you're in. As for your other question, the discount only exists when he's in play generating it. There's no text indicating that he can affect the game from an out-of-play zone. — SGPrometheus · 821
I don't think it works with Lola. I think she would need to be in Seeker to take the Exhaust trigger. It would be the same as Beat Cop (one damage to an enemy at your location) imo and I doubt Lola can exhaust him to gain that damage. — The Lynx · 980
@TWWaterfalls, the op is asking about the scenario where they are a seeker, use Charles Ross' free triggered ability, then change to, say, Guardian and play a Guardian item. Is it discounted because Charles Ross was triggered by Lola the Seeker. For my 2 cents I think it works. — NarkasisBroon · 10
To complete my response I think SGPrometheus is correct on all counts. Except that his name seems to reference and inferior deathtrap of a starship, and should clearly be SGDaedalus — NarkasisBroon · 10
Yes, I agree with that. I wasn't thinking that far ahead. — The Lynx · 980
@NarkasisBroon I'm really just a fan of Greek mythology, but I get that a lot. — SGPrometheus · 821
If it ain't FAQ'ed, it plays as presented. That is, you can't stack the discount. — Blitheharrow · 38
A Baleful Welcome

Rules Question: Does picking 'investigate' turn off only the basic action, or also investigate actions on encounter cards and assets?

Similarly, does picking 'move' turn off shortcut, pathfinder, etc.?

kision314 · 2
Short answer: 1. yes, 2. no. Longer answer: if the chosen action category is being taken as a result of an Action ability--whether basic or activated from an asset, this treachery would "turn it off." If the action being taken is as a result of a fast card, a free action trigger ability, and suchlike--since it doesn't count as an action in the first place, this treachery does not turn it off. There might be a wrinkle if the card gives you an action in BOLD type, like on shortcut level 2 or summoned hound but i'm going to go out on a limb and say that you can take those actions as well. — Sycopath · 1
@Sycopath I think actually you cannot use Shortcut(2) or the hound, specifically because those use the bold action designator. If it said, "investigators cannot TAKE each chosen action..." I would agree with you, because that language specifically means you're taking one of your three basic actions, which those cards avoid. Because this says investigators can't "perform" the named actions, I take that to be a wider parameter which also covers free actions. — SGPrometheus · 821
Custom Ammunition


I'll be adding this to my Zoey deck with two Well Maintained arkhamdb.com Combined with Stick to The Plan with one (or maybe two) Act of Desperation arkhamdb.com and Contraband I am hoping her BAR will keep bouncing....

gitty · 7
Works with Tommy too, but has less synergy lore-wise. — SGPrometheus · 821
Ace of Rods

Anybody else have trouble with ArkhamDB decks adding this after the intro to The Witching hour instructs you to add both it and The Tower XVI to your deck? After the scenario, I tried to add it as a campaign card, but it wasn't there - it was just under the regular assets, and when I added it there, it tried to charge me XP. Did I miss something?

antichris · 2
No, you're not alone. I wish they would add a copy which can be selected as a campaign card. — Jeko · 14
I ended up raising a bug on github for it - https://github.com/Kamalisk/arkhamdb/issues/294 — antichris · 2
If you click on the card title in your build window there is a widget in the upper right that lets you select a number of copies of the card to ignore re: decksize and xp — Sycopath · 1
This works for me. Thanks! — antichris · 2
How do we get the deck builder to ignore The Tower XVI, as there is no option to ignore that card like there is other cards? — corbs · 10
@corbs Story assets and weaknesses already ignore deck limit. — SyncStelar · 1