
I’ve heard say this card’s not as strong in true solo but I think it’s even stronger there. For swift resolution of game winning ”if there are no clues on location” locations it’s excellent. You can often survive one action of attacks of opportunity there, enough to clear it, but rarely two. Super card in either solo or multi player.

Skrattmas · 9
I think people probably look to Working a Hunch instead since it's fast and gets you a clue without a test; effectively turning a 2 clue location into a single action test. Which, as you describe, is the goal. — LaRoix · 1645
Since both are great, I play both, if possible. Thank you for your comprehensive reviews, LaRoix. — Skrattmas · 9
No true, there are plenty locations with 2 clues in solo too, so Deduction still shine: the most clues you will find in one location in solo is 3 though, usually — HeroesOfTomorrow · 54
*are — HeroesOfTomorrow · 54
Pocket Telescope

For investigation focused Rogue doing campaign replays that can get to 4+ (Streetwise, Gené Beauregard, Monterey Jack, etc.) to succeed without depending on Flashlight shroud reduction, but not intended to remove Flashlight from the deck either, they can grab Adaptable and then use 2 swaps to go back and forth between 2x Flashlight and 2x Pocket Telescope depending if the scenario is in fog-of-war style or not. Now you have got a flashlight-telescope built with 1 XP!

With Crafty this can turn into a very potent unlimited investigation tool.

5argon · 10724
So just to be sure. This card doesn't reveal the location with its lighting bolt ability, just lets you look it and then place it unrevealed? — Folomo · 20
Yes — 5argon · 10724
Fang of Tyr'thrha

Eeeeeeeexcellent card.

So. Steep pricepoint, but lets review the effcts:

  • Add , that's generally a +2 or +3 for most characters who can use this. Not shabby but you'll often be using other boosts to guarantee the hit.
  • Omnirange. Hit any non-aloof target anywhere. That's a very lovely effect, picture this: You're drowing in bad guys in some ditch and your buddy ran off 4 locations only to draw into a Hunting Nightgaunt and be completely shut down. Chuck one of these at the problem and it'll be gone in one action, no moving required.

  • 4 Damage flat. Wonderful. These are worth their weight in gold. Usually to kill a 4 health foe it takes 2-3 actions not including movement and engaging, you'll be pressed for damage and typically the solution is a bigger gun, Vicious Blow and/or Beat Cop. 3 Cost is steep but it'll do it'S thing without costing you any bullets and you can further supllement it with Vicious Blow.

  • Movement option. I've seen this point fly over people's heads. The movement is an option! Chuck it at that aforementioned Hunting Nightgaunt and keep working on whatever you got going on at your own location. Alternatively one major challenge fighters face is action economy during high-stakes turns, a villain spawns and you've got to charge at it from 2 locations away, which means you'll get punched! Therefore you need to strategically approach to try and maximize damage and minimize pain. Fang of Tyr'thrha solves this issue by seamlessly crossing the distance while compressing damage into the movement. You know those turns in Night of the Zealot where you moved into Ghoul Priest to pop it twice with .45 Automatic? This card lets you move into it for 4 damage, and THEN you pop it twice.

TL:DR. good, strategic, card. Love it.

So why not put it in every, single, deck? Well frankly, it's the prices. 4xp gets in the way of filling out your weapon, defensive and economy options and 3 cost gets in the way of playing weapons and weapon support. By the time you've got your thing going, adding in Fang of Tyr'thrha is a final scenario capstone or altogether impossible because you're scrambling for card slots.

Of particular note, DO grab this card fast if you happen to know that moving, engaging, keeping your key co-characters out of trouble, if you know that these things are challenging perogatives, grab it fast.

Characters of note:

  • Nathaniel bonus damage.
  • Zoey can afford it, kill her weakness. Often you can recoup 1 resource immediately by using it to move to an unengaged enemy
  • Roland Banks, remote killing can trigger his ability. Also stacks with Grete Wagner.
  • Lily, event attack for "3 different attacks" and a probable 4 buff.
  • Marie Lambeau. Come on, it'd be hilarious.
  • Carolyn Fern. From a baseline total 4 to hit you need to boost it somehow, but with this you can have some bite.
Tsuruki23 · 2553
Out of reach for Carolyn, which is just as well. Gang Up outperforms this for her anyways (but no movement) — dscarpac · 1141
Two copies of this plus two One-two Punch (5). Another very efficient way use events to end bosses! — liwl0115 · 41
Marie Lambeau can attach it to Dayana Esperance. Of course you then need to finance it multiple times (Prophetic ? David Renfield ?) and boost your stats (Prophetic ? Dissection tools ? Grounded ? Blood pact ? Empower self ?). — TribulationsSolo · 1
Not to mention: — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1265
Not to mention: Tommy Muldoon, who can recur this via Scrounge For Supplies — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1265
Nevermind, that card only works on Level 0 cards — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1265
Okay, possible but janky: Sister Mary + Prescient + Scrying Mirror? — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1265
Are we sure this card doesn’t work on an aloof enemy? — rainman1646 · 2
Although the Bold Fight designator can be initiated on Aloof enemies, Attack"s — Rislyeu · 1
"Attack"s cannot be carried out against Aloof enemies per the rules, so you cannot complete the action on the card and cannot play the card to begin with. Unlike with Spectral Razor, which allows you immediately before the attack to engage the enemy, thereby allowing you to complete the attack on that card. — Rislyeu · 1
Survey the Area

When i first saw this cycle of skills i was, like many others, not impressed. But a strange thing happened and i have to say that i changed my mind about them. Story time : my friend was playing Monterey Jack and i was playing Lily Chen and sometimes we would find ourselves at the same location during the mythos phase. There are many threacheries that require you to test AGI or INT and usually have some nasty effects, and while i was sweating how will i pass this damn INT test he just said "i can give you +7". What? I said "you know you can only commit 1 card right"? And he just flashed me with this bad boy and it all made sense. These cards are not like our normal skill cards that give us a small boost for a test and usually come with a bonus effect that is the main reason why we took the card (not the boost itself), these cards are go big or go home boost style where on standard that means that only the autofail makes you fail. Ever since then we have managed to squeeze them in here and there, and they have worked wonderfully.

Blood&gore · 434
Yes! I noticed this in Occult Theory's review too. These cards feels like it basically let one investigator take over the test in place of another using what they are good at, as the stats came from investigator committing it. Great for covering 2 will / 2 agility investigator against random tests as the difficulties are usually 3~4, getting from 2 to 6~7 would be right at Standard's sweet spot. — 5argon · 10724
The other thing these cards bring is consistency. Inquiring Mind is good, but requires a clue be around. While Survey the Area limits which skills you can use it on, it'll always give you the flat number bonus (which can be improved with allies and such). — LaRoix · 1645
I'm a bit confused as to the original post saying - Q: "i can give you +7" - How does this give +7? Does he mean he can give Lily +5 with the Survey the Area card, to make it up to +7? — Morgoth · 1
He can give +7 because it's not the base stat (it's not written as for Rise to the Occasion), it's just "your stats", meaning the card gains a number equal to your base stat + the boost from your assets. — LegoKurow · 2
Gang Up

I'm not a big fan of the "by our powers combined" set, but I'll grudgingly give credit where credit is due, this is a good but expensive card.

3 Cost is steep, this is the major issue for this bad boy, but here's what you get:

First up, it's a fight action, so 1 damage base, that then means that with just 2 classes in play it's a 1xp, 3 cost attack at +2 for 3 damage. If you could take a 1XP Backstab with a +2 on it, people would most definitely do that. Already ignoring the whole setup thing of gathering all the classes, even with just 2 classes in play, the usual minimum a character can muster, this card is playable.

Everything on top of that is gravy. Do you manage to plop down a third class via a Dual class card? A fourth class through judicious dual class design or a triple class card? Are people trading cards with Black Market, Bob Jenkins, Teamwork or similar effects? The third class is relatively easy, Enchanted Blade by itself will get you a third class for most characters. Remember that your character is a card and it's included, so if a dude like "Skids" O'Toole plops down Enchanted Blade that means you've got 3 classes in play for an effective +3 and 4 damage and that right there by itself is gold. 4 Damage attacks are rare and powerful and worth the hoops to jump through for.

Can you max it consistently? That'll be rare. But a partial trigger for just +3 or +4 damage is excellent.

Tsuruki23 · 2553
Hi ! Like david6680 said in the previous reviews . It seems that you don't need to "setup", you control all the cards in your hand, deck and discard pile. ( ) — Yopiman · 1
While you do control all cards in your hand, deck, and discard pile, cards only interact with other cards in play unless they specify on the card (see Ability in the RRG) so I'm afraid you do need to do set up, unless you have permanent for each of the classes. — NarkasisBroon · 10
This is also the reason that if a treachery card says "discard an asset you control" you can't just look in your deck, find an asset, and discard it — NarkasisBroon · 10
I don't understand why this is still confusing some people? The rules are very clear about what card text can interact with, and it's the exact same language on cards like Whitton Greene, which no one is confused about. I really don't understand where this is suddenly tripping people up. — MiskatonicFrosh · 344