It's a lil' bit costly way to gain a specific type of action once per game, because this card does only that. Have a look at the Shortcut. You gain the same amount of value from those two cards, but Shortcut is 0xp 0 resource and can be used on any player creating opportunity for some wild shenanigans. On the other "Hand" -Eye Coordination special effect could be sth like avoiding attacks of opportunity. Sometimes. In very rare and strange occasions it might be a thing you need. So as long as you have access to pool whenever you start to think about this card, just remember Shortcut. In fact guardians have more much nicer action compression cards like Safeguard, Ever Vigilant, Geared Up or even Galvanize, so if you find use for Galvanize and you don't care for its exhaustion effect and it's possibility to play events than maybe it's a card for you.